The familiar twinge of sharp pain in the low back can trigger fear. If you move any further, it's all over! You'll be flat on your back in pain, unable to move.
The Biggest Predictor Of Low Back Pain Is…
For anyone who has experienced recurring back pain, this can become all too common. The biggest factor that determines back pain is a previous incidence of back pain. This means, once it happens once, it is important to avoid a recurrence. But how is that achieved?
How To Avoid Recurring Back Pain
Start paying attention to your back side. We tend to neglect the parts of us that we can't see in a mirror. When working out, for example, we are more effective at working out the anterior chain (the muscles on the front of our body). Since we look at our biceps, we can see the progress we make when we flex those muscles, so we tend to put more work into them. However, it is just as important - if not more so - to strengthen our posterior chain (the muscles of our back).
Our back muscles are vital to keeping our spine in a healthy position and avoiding back pain. Next time you workout, place an extra effort in incorporating back exercises like rows, flies, and extensions.
Is Bed Rest Good For My Back?
Keep movement in your body. The days of bed rest after a back injury are long behind us. Think of bed rest for your back as the modern equivalent of blood letting after an illness. It is completely counter to what we now know about healing.
Of course there are exceptions such as surgery or a major tear or herniation but in general, the best thing you can do is keep as much movement in a joint as possible without reaching the point of pain or further injury.
Get to your chiropractor as soon as you can after an injury to be assessed for severity of the injury. Movement before an injury occurs is vital in avoiding back pain.
What Foods Make Low Back Pain Worse?
Pay attention to other lifestyle decisions like your diet. What does diet have to do with back pain? Inflammation. When we eat inflammatory foods such as too much sugar, certain grains, dairy, and unhealthy oils, we can end up with systemic inflammation in the body.
This can lead to poor healing when we are injured. If we do not heal correctly, we end up more prone to reinjuring the same part of our body and experiencing back pain again.
Is Sitting Or Standing Bad For My Back?
Watch your posture. A neutral pelvic position, slightly retracted shoulder blades, and a head positioned directly above our torso is ideal.
Check in periodically throughout the day, whether you are seated or standing, to see if your body is in a strong, supported posture. This will help you avoid future incidences of back pain.
Can A Chiropractor Help My Back Pain?
If you do injure your back, get in to see your chiropractor as soon as possible. The sooner you determine the problem, the faster your recovery will be.
In my experience, the longer someone waits to go see the chiropractor, the longer their healing time ends up being. If you’re not sure if or how a chiropractor can help you, schedule a free consultation to ask any questions. If chiropractic cannot help, we’ll refer you to the best alternative. Electra Chiropractic offers chiropractic care with a native English speaking doctor of chiropractic, licensed and registered in Japan, Hong Kong, and the USA.