As we move into fall in Tokyo, there's talk about colds and flus. For some Tokyoites, that means a persistent and annoying cough and/or sore throat. Doctors dispense cough medicine and cough syrup for relief, but if you want a natural remedy, there are other options. These are my favorite natural remedies to support my body during times of respiratory stress.
Sickness Is Stress
Staying on my chiropractic adjustment schedule regardless of what's going on in life is essential for me. This allows my body to be in the best shape to heal. The physical stress of coughing may lead to tight muscles and joints, especially in the upper body, neck, and head. Dehydration or taking medications, even over the counter, are chemical stressors that create extra work for the body when it should be focused on making energy and detoxing. Taking time to rest and heal can be an emotional stressor for those who normally work long hours. Chiropractic adjustments help the body better handle stress so it can be in a strong position for fast healing.
Do I Have A Bacterial or Viral Infection?
For specificity, you might want to determine if your infection is caused by bacteria or a virus. A visit to your doctor for a sputum (saliva and mucus) culture will tell you this, but your doctor may also prescribe pharmaceuticals rather than natural remedies. As someone with a busy schedule and not enough patience to await the results of a sputum lab, I like to cover all my bases with an infection since short-term use of the following supplements is generally safe for me. Always check with your healthcare provider first.
My Go-To Supplements For Cold & Flu
Sweet Wormwood (from the Artemisia genus) has been shown to inhibit viral and bacterial replication. You may know this plant extract from the drink absinthe. Taken in excess, Wormwood can be toxic to humans, so know your dosage. My go-to brand is Gaia.
Oregano oil has been used to treat bacterial infections like Staphyloccus aureus (Staph) without risking antibiotic resistance. In addition to helping a sore throat, oregano oil can be used topically on skin or wound infections. I like Gaia for oregano oil.
Goldenseal is a powerful anti-bacterial plant. It is often found in immune support compounds. Goldenseal and echinacea are often together in immune support supplements, as echinacea has been found to be more effective in preventing transmission of a common cold, rather than treating a cold once one already has the infection.
Cinnamon oil is helpful in fighting many infections ranging from respiratory to skin to sexually transmitted infections. For immune support, I like WishGarden.
How Else Can A Chiropractor Help With Cold & Flu?
If you have questions, book a complimentary consultation with our native English speaking chiropractor in Tokyo. Dr. Ariel Thorpe, DC is licensed and registered in Japan, Hong Kong, and the USA.